Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can it really be the end of the school year?

The 2011-2012 school year is zooming by and the growth in the students has been astounding!    
The learning continues and this month the focus is on managing fears and worries.  Anxiety is one of the most common concerns with young children and the good news is, it is one of the easiest problems to conquer.  Basic good health practices directly impact anxiety levels in children - getting adequate sleep, exercise and a healthy diet are vital to nervous kids.  Equipping them with tools to handle these feelings gives children a sense of control over the anxiety.  These tools require lots of practice and parents can help.  Relaxation exercises, kids yoga, soothing music, exercise, drawing, journaling and talking about their fears are all helpful calming methods.  There are several good books but two that I have used often are: Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents and Freeing Your Child From Anxiety.  An excellent book for children is What to Do When You Worry Too Much.  Children pick up on our cues so the calmer you are when dealing with an anxious child the simpler it will be for your child to cope with his fear or worries.  That is easier said than done, isn't it?