Thursday, December 15, 2011


Do you know "the magic formula"?  The 2nd graders do!  We spend an abundance of time and effort in working on getting along well with others and ways to handle conflicts.  One of our favorite guidance lessons focuses on learning how to use our words assertively.  The words used are "When you-------, I feel-------, and I want you to---------.  The magic is in the delivery of these sentences.  The students practice saying them confidently and firmly but never in anger.  If they can employ these skills on a regular basis just think what effective communicators they will be.  Watch the videos for a glimpse of the students role playing "the magic formula".

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Importance of Teaching Empathy

8th Graders, Santa (Davis Daniel), Sam Edwards and K-4 student, Cole Hughes

The holidays are a time of great joy for many of us.  There is a wonderful spirit of giving in the air, and boundless opportunities for helping the less fortunate.  Our Saint James students and teachers are involved in several different projects this month, and we are so proud of their level of commitment and desire to help others.  These experiences underscore the fact that every person -  regardless of their circumstances - has value, and deserves respect.  We should take every opportunity to encourage compassion and caring in our children.  Researchers tell us that we are all born with the potential for empathy, but as we grow, our environment and nurturing shape us where empathy either increases, or is replaced by more negative emotions.  Empathy isn't something that matures on its own - it must be learned.  As parents, we act as an "empathy coach" by the examples we set.  As we help them to recognize and understand the feelings of others, they should be encouraged to put aside their own materialistic thoughts for a moment.  When we lend a listening ear, or act in a generous manner, we are showing them how to act in accordance with the principles of respect and compassion.  This important social skill will grow stronger as a result of the good examples provided by their first and best teachers - their parents!  Raising empathy awareness results in respect for others, integrity, and responsibility.  Through experiencing the feelings of others, they will learn to be caring and compassionate,  develop a social conscience, and become more integrated socially,  thereby realizing that they play a significant part in the community.  Empathy will greatly influence their personal relationships as well.  If they haven't learned to understand emotions and behave empathetically, it will be difficult to form and sustain personal relationships as they move into adulthood.  So as we enter this season of giving, let's ask ourselves if we are emphasizing the importance of civility and kindness in our interactions with others.  Remember to be caring and considerate of everyone......................your children are watching. This wonderful article was written by JoAnn Reifenberg for The Health Connection.  

Friday, November 4, 2011

November Classroom Guidance Lessons

November heralds the beginning of the holiday season and excitement is already in the air in the elementary! This month the 2nd graders are continuing their emphasis on dealing with teasing and bullying through role plays, bibliotherapy and class discussions.  Using the "Stop Bullying Now" resources we have enjoyed watching videos and playing interactive games. I encourage you and your children to visit this website,, for additional reinforcement and information.  Tattling is one of those unpleasant activities of childhood and this is being addressed with the 1st grade classes.  The difference between reporting and tattling will be introduced through favorite books, Tattlin' Madeline and A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue.  Understanding how to handle mistakes will be the topic for the K-5 students. Ask them what we learned about Fairy Penquins!  Perfectionism starts at an early age and we will delve into this topic using DUSO stories and puppet shows.  The K-4 students also will be talking about this and the importance of trying your best.  The K-3's will explore different feelings and the importance of using your words to convey emotions.

It is busy around STJ and such a fun place to grow and learn!

Monday, October 31, 2011



Friday, October 21, 2011

50th Day of School

Selena, Lily, Jackson, Brooke, and Jacob celebrate the 50th day of school
Have we been in school for 50 days already-whew the first quarter has zoomed by!  The students have settled in and are working hard as their excellent report cards reflect.  Parents, thank you for your support and encouragement.  Please continue to make an early bedtime and a healthy breakfast a priority.  You would not believe the difference a well rested and well fed child makes in the classroom -just ask today's hula hoop champs!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Classroom Guidance Lessons

K-3's Reading Mean Soup
Would you like to add "Mean Soup" to your recipe file?  Just ask the three year olds how to make this easy recipe!  While talking about good ways to handle their angry feelings we read  a delightful book,"Mean Soup", by Betsy Everitt.  We discovered that laughter and exercise are two great ways to handle our mad feelings.  The K-4's also discussed feelings and the importance of using our words to talk about emotions.  Thinking for yourself and not following the crowd were topics covered in the K-5 classes.  Using the stories and puppets in the DUSO series are fun ways to cover important topics for these younger students.  1st graders met best friends, EG Eagle and Turtle, as they faced bullies and discovered that each person is special.  The 2nd graders are beginning an important unit on teasing.  Learning to get along with all different sorts of people and respecting others are topics we will cover often and in depth. 

I wish you could hear how insightful your children are and how enthusiastically they participate in our counseling classes.  If you see me with a smile on my face you can be sure a student put it there! Thanks for your support and please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Last week the 2nd grade students in conjunction with their unit on "Bucket Filling" made cards to send to troops serving in Iraq.  Principal's Assistant, Mrs. Norman's, husband and his 1/131st Aviation Battalion have been stationed in Iraq since May. Mrs. Norman shared pictures and information with the students so they would have a clear understanding of  the work and living conditions of these troops. The students' sincere heartfelt cards are sure to bring much delight and comfort to these soldiers.  Hope you are seeing bucket filling going on at home! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Update on Classroom Guidance Lessons

Having the opportunity to visit each classroom for a weekly guidance lesson is one of my favorite activities.  It allows me a chance to get to know the students and watch them interact with each other.  In addition, the lessons are used to introduce and reinforce certain topics that support a healthy successful student.  Here's what we have been working on lately:  K-3's and K-4's respecting differences, K-5's understanding feelings, 1st grade developing understanding of the consequences of their choices and the 2nd graders are becoming "bucket fillers".  We read the wonderful book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud.  This book is based on the premise that we all carry invisible buckets and our buckets are filled by kind words and actions.  We can also be "bucket dippers" when we say unkind words.  Our goal is for all the students to have full buckets and be "bucket fillers" every day.  This book would make a great addition to your home. Their website is for more information.

Francis Radiff & Erin Grigsby are Bucket Fillers!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Trojan Cheerleaders and Football Players Welcome Elementary Students to School

Hakan Sahinglu, Beth Oakley, Countess Johnson, Ashley Williamson and Matthew Alter greet sisters Julia & Ali Bremner 
Fall Friday mornings are made extra special in the elementary by the spirited welcome to school offered by the high school football players and cheerleaders.  The players and cheerleaders pictured above have been attending STJ since they were in elementary school. It has been so much fun to watch these fine students grow up!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wonderful Parents

K-5 Moms Volunteering at Teacher Appreciation Lunch

Moms Cooking, Serving and Cleaning at the September Teacher Appreciation Lunch
Many thanks are due to all the wonderful parent volunteers that work so hard to make our school the best!  The STJ teachers and staff certainly appreciate the delicious monthly meals prepared and served by the parents.  In addition, the parents helping with each class insure that the teachers have the chance to enjoy an "adult lunch" at least once a month. It was hard to tell who was having the most fun- the parents with their children or the teachers!  Thanks to all.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Advice from First and Second Graders

Last May I asked the 1st and 2nd grade students to give me advice that could be shared with this year's students at the beginning of the year.  Below you will find some sage advice from these young but wise students!

"Be a family and treat your family nice."
"Listen to your teacher."
"Don't sleep in class."
"Never argue during play time because it wastes time."
"Don't laugh when someone burps-people make mistakes."
"Be a good sport at PE."
"Treat others the way you want to be treated."
"Try your hardest and work hard."
"Don't try to get someone in trouble if you do not like them."
"Always tell the truth."
"If you drag something out, put it back up."
"Don't brag when you win."
And my favorite-"Always be nice to the counselor."

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What a wonderful beginning of school we have experienced!  The enthusiasm has been abundant and the tears have been few.  Greeting the younger students during carpool continues to be one of the highlights of my job.  Thanks are due to the parents following carpool rules (no passing, or parking in carpool line) as we insure the safety of all of the students.

It has been a joy to get to know the students during our weekly guidance classes.  The younger students are meeting DUSO and working on listening skills while the older students are beginning a unit on study skills.  Ask them what we are doing and encourage them to share about our time together. If you have any questions or suggestions, please just contact me.  Check out the links below and watch for new ones.  Thank you so much for sharing your children with us!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Seniors of the Lower Elementary" having fun!!!
Here are a group of "Seniors of the Lower Elementary", Mrs. Haven's 2nd grade class.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mrs. Finklestein's K-3 class visiting my office the first day of school.
Mrs. Echols' K-4 class on the first day of school.

                               Look at these smiling faces on Mrs. Essig's K-5 class!
              Ms. Hollon's 1st grader are excited to meet new friends on the first day of school.
Wow! Second grade is the best according to Mrs. Waller's class.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

This is going to be a great year at STJ!

Welcome to my first ever blog and please remember what a novice I am as you read this! What an exciting year we have planned. Can you believe school will start in just 17 days?