Friday, November 4, 2011

November Classroom Guidance Lessons

November heralds the beginning of the holiday season and excitement is already in the air in the elementary! This month the 2nd graders are continuing their emphasis on dealing with teasing and bullying through role plays, bibliotherapy and class discussions.  Using the "Stop Bullying Now" resources we have enjoyed watching videos and playing interactive games. I encourage you and your children to visit this website,, for additional reinforcement and information.  Tattling is one of those unpleasant activities of childhood and this is being addressed with the 1st grade classes.  The difference between reporting and tattling will be introduced through favorite books, Tattlin' Madeline and A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue.  Understanding how to handle mistakes will be the topic for the K-5 students. Ask them what we learned about Fairy Penquins!  Perfectionism starts at an early age and we will delve into this topic using DUSO stories and puppet shows.  The K-4 students also will be talking about this and the importance of trying your best.  The K-3's will explore different feelings and the importance of using your words to convey emotions.

It is busy around STJ and such a fun place to grow and learn!